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Chinese translation for "gettysburg address"

(1863年美国总统林肯所作的)葛底斯堡演说〔其中有“民治,民有,民享”(by the people, of the people, for the people)这一名句〕。

Related Translations:
gettysburg:  n.葛底斯堡〔美国城市〕。
address:  n.1.(信上的)称呼,姓名;地址。2.致辞;寒喧;演说;正式请愿。3.谈吐,风度。4.〔pl.〕 求爱,献殷勤。5.灵巧,娴熟。短语和例子change one's address 改变住址。 an inside address 信纸左上角的收信人姓名、地址。 an inaugural address 就任致辞[演说]。 a man of pleasing [good] a
Example Sentences:
1.President lincoln's gettysburg address is widely read for their gifted literary expression .
2.That speech has come to be known as the gettysburg address
3.Everyone in the class has to learn lincoln ' s gettysburg address by heart
4.Everyone in the class has to learn lincoln ' s gettysburg address by heart
5.We might remember , though , that abe lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his gettysburg address . the poor guy didn ' t have a " help " key to push
6.We might remember , though , that abe lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his gettysburg address . the poor guy didn ' t have a " help " key to push
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